Brotherhood of nod ranks
Brotherhood of nod ranks

brotherhood of nod ranks brotherhood of nod ranks

The Militants use a variety of small arms, ranging from old 20th century assault rifles, such as the late 20th century GAU-3 Eliminator 5.56mm assault rifles, to new GD-2 rifles. In some regions, they wear old worn Second Tiberium War combat armor previously used by Nod light infantry ranks. Militants wear drab, gray hooded jackets and pants, with bandoleers, backpacks, and goggles. The use of militia plays an important role for Nod, the inevitable product of the "Control The Media, Control The Mind" social doctrine, with commanders preferring to sacrifice their militant auxiliaries rather than endanger the thin ranks of the surviving Nod regulars and "true believers" who comprise the Brotherhood's cherished elite troops, such as Shadow Teams and Black Hand troopers. Militants are primarily disillusioned (or possibly ecstatic) men and women who have suffered from harsh lives in Yellow Zones and have been attracted to service in the Nod armed forces by the latter's relief efforts.

Brotherhood of nod ranks